Why Give to Girls Choral Academy?
Your Donations Help Others

1.You'll Help Others Whatever amount you give, your donation is helping educate, inspire and nurture tomorrow's leaders.
2. You’ll Feel Good
Donating money or time will make you feel good because you know you’re supporting an important cause. By donating and helping others, you’ll feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction.
3. You’ll Become More Informed
When you research nonprofit organizations and the causes they represent, you become more informed about the issues facing our planet and what we can do to solve them. With this newfound knowledge, you can teach others about important global issues and motivate them to make positive changes.
4. You’ll Promote Your Passion
Do you notice the many young people struggling with depression in our community? Do you want to improve the lives of young people in our own corners of Grand RApids that are often overlooked? Do you want to support children and families in need? Think about whatever reason moves you and choose GCA because we are a nonprofit that advocates for a singular clear mission. We can help promote your passion and make a difference in an area that matters to you.
5. You’ll Encourage Others to Follow Your Example
By donating to nonprofits, you can encourage other people to follow your lead. If your children see you donating money or time to an important causes, they’ll be more likely to grow up with a giving mindset. They’ll be more likely to make financial donations or volunteer their time. Additionally, if you let your family and friends know about your charitable donations, you may motivate them to donate to charities as well.

6. Your Nonprofit Donations Are Tax Deductible
When you donated to GCA, an IRS-approved nonprofit organization, your donation is tax-deductible. The IRS has a handy tool to help you figure out if giving to your favorite cause will also give you a tax deduction.
7. You’ll Stabilize or Expand Vital Programs
Nonprofit organizations like ours depend on donations to promote their programs and help them reach their goals. With a monetary donation, you can support girls at the start of their journeys and ensure that much-needed programs are stabilized or expanded to continue to help them grow into vibrant and productive parts of their communities.
8. You’ll Make the World a Better Place
When the world seems dark and dreary, brighten it with a donation to GCA!:) When we watch the news and hear about all of the global negativity, it can make us feel defeated. But remember, your donation, no matter how small, does make a difference locally and on a very personal level. With it, you can make our world a better place.
9. Every Little Bit Counts
You don’t need to donate hundreds of dollars to make a difference. Every little bit counts when you donate to charitable organizations. Skip the Starbucks run and donate $5 to GCA instead. Small donations, especially recurring ones, play a major role providing a stable salary for the nonprofit and supporting an important mission.
10. You’ll Improve Awareness of Global Issues
When you donate money or volunteer for charitable causes, you can improve awareness of global issues like poverty and hunger. By spreading awareness, you can also encourage others to support your cause and help those in need.
How Your Donation Helps Our Cause
From its inception in 1997 the Girls Choral Academy has been all about protecting and supporting the most vulnerable groups within the community—girls in unstable family and housing situations and those who dont have a lot to celebrate.We are invested in promoting the development of healthier and stronger family units and cultivating more positive communities through singing together!