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One of Girls Choral Academy beliefs is that through music, we can forge meaningful, empathic connections with people from every background. Through regional, national and international travel,  we embrace performance as a powerful means of expressing our unique experiences while learning about the lives of people different from us. GCA tours  make "thinking globally" possible to singers; some of whom have never left Grand Rapids.  Travel encourages them to build bonds far beyond their home communities and empowers them with skills to become confident leaders for tomorrow.   


It is important to us that each choir have the opportunity to travel and form bonds with no only one another, but with others form new backgrounds as they perform in new places.


These tours give choristers the opportunity to share their music with a broader audience as well as to develop relationships and collaboration skills necessary to work productively as a group.

Fees & Costs for Tour Experiences 

While touring expenses are not covered in tuition costs, GCA makes substantial efforts to help offset expenses through fundraising efforts and working with corporate sponsors to help us ensure every girl can participate.  

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Join the Travel /Tour Team 

GCA is growing its travel and tour division with hopes of providing more tour experiences for GCA girls, including exchanges  with local music organizations, performances for new audiences, cultural diplomacy, service projects and sightseeing.  Do you have experience planning large scale youth group or school trips?  Interested in volunteering some time to be on a committee that meets once a month for 1.5 hours.  We need you! Contact us here!  


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The Tour Fund 

Can you help GCA give a singer a passport to the world?  It costs approximately $300 for one girl to participate in a 3 day trip, and up to $1500 for longer tours.  Donate to our tour fund and help a deserving young Grand Rapidian expand their horizons as they learn life skills, confidence and a more global view of their world that sets the stage for leadership!   

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