Getting dressed up is half the fun! GCA choristers will need the black velvet uniform dress for more formal concerts and a red Girls Choral Academy T-shirt to represent at informal events.
1. With their concert dresses, singers must wear black close-toed shoes and black tights or pantyhose.
2. No personal necklaces, bracelets, or brooches, are allowed. Small earrings are permissible.
3. Bra straps and undershirts need to be covered by the concert dress.
Junior Academy I and II Choir Uniform
Concert Choir uniform

Sierra Ladies dress -- $65 (plus $25 shipping)
To Order: go to www.stageaccents.com or you can scan this QR code. Call them directly at (800) 631-1611 if you have sizing questions.
Black Velvet Twirly Dress, handmade
by Fi and Me
$42 (free shipping)
To Order: go to https://www.etsy.com/shop/FiandMe and Enter "Girls Choral Academy" in the Search box
Are you a new singer and don't wish to purchase a brand new dress? You are invited to stop at the office (set up a time in advance to make sure we are here ) and you can check out the (small) stock of lightly used dresses to see what we have for you. All used dresses are $30.
Singers are invited to sell your gently used dress back to GCA! We accept clean dresses in excellent condition (no rips, stains, broken zippers, etc)! We will happily buy your used JA1 & 2 dress for $20, Concert Choir dresses for $30. Dresses should be dropped off to the GCA office after cleaning them between the hours of 9-5 M-F (Please call first to ensure staff is on site there).